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The Patty Duke Show Full Episodes | Patty & Cathy Are In Trouble Again! | MGM Live Stream

Season 2, Episode 27
After Ross puts a frog in Patty’s bed, she pays him back in kind…or unkind. Ross then resorts to re-reprisal and Patty seeks re-revenge…until life among the Lanes becomes hectically hazardous. The elder Lanes soon fall innocent victims to the ceaseless skirmishes and boundless booby traps. Desperate, they fight fire with fire.

Season 2, Episode 12
As President of Patty Lane, Inc., she sells stock in her company to friends and relations and starts producing apricot jam labeled “Mother Patty’s Preserves.” When she tries to fill the orders for her merchandise, Patty discovers that Big Business has many pitfalls.

Season 2, Episode 23
Patty hears two young Britishers, Nigel and Patrick singing on the Brooklyn Heights High School FM station. She thinks they’re the wildest! She’s so impressed that she sets about to make them successful. However, despite all her efforts, Patty can’t interest a recording company in the duo. Nigel and Patrick seem doomed to failure. But, just as all hop seems gone, Patty finds a way to put them “on recording” by recording them.

Season 3, Episode 11
Patty isn’t speaking to Richard. She tells brother Ross to hang up if Richard calls. When Richard calls, Ross hangs up…and Patty explodes! She wants to talk to him after all! Ross tries to help them patch up their differences, but each time he does what Patty asks, she has changed her mind! Richard wants a notebook he left at the Lane’s. Ross suggests hiding it so Patty won’t know where it is. He does, but Patty and Richard make up. Ross refuses to produce the notebook, thinking Patty is just pretending he should! While Ross is at a movie, the whole family searches for the notebook! Ross arrives home…too late. The notebook, hidden in the dirty laundry is being washed.

Season 3, Episode 16
When Martin puts a time limit on everyone’s phone calls, the kids try to earn money to buy their own phone.

Season 2, Episode 4
Patty, her look-alike cousin Cathy and kid-brother Ross form a union the U.A.O.U.M.- United Association of Unprotected Minors. They go into negotiations with Father and Mother, to get more freedom to do what they want , to get bigger allowances and more time at the TV set. Martin and Natalie agree – but, in turn, demand the kids take on more chores. For a while, everybody’s happy…then the kids start believing they got the short end of the deal…too much extra work for too little extra privileges. They strike! Martin and Natalie try reasoning with them…the kids refuse to do a thing and come to terms. After several meetings, the parents arrive at a solution: They form their own union…

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Patty Lane loves rock ‘n roll and bubble gum. Her British cousin Cathy adores classical music and speaks Latin. They also happen to look exactly alike, which gives cause to confusion & fun.

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The Patty Duke Show Full Episodes | Patty & Cathy Are In Trouble Again! | MGM Live Stream

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