Nawazuddin Siddiqui does not belong to a poor family: He said- I did not want to ask for money from my family, that is why I worked as a watchman

Nawazuddin Siddiqui said in a recent interview that people think that he belongs to a poor family. However, this is not so. He said that he does not come from a poor family. His appearance is such that people think that he is poor. Nawaz also said that he did not work as a watchman because he was poor, but because he did not want to ask for money from his family. He worked as a watchman so that he did not have to take money from home. In an interview given to Shubhankar Mishra, Nawaz told the real reason for working as a watchman. He said – I worked as a watchman because I did not want to take money from home. There was never a problem of money at home, I just did not want to ask for money from my family. This was also because I was doing the work of my choice without telling them. Parents were always ready to give me money. They used to say – If there is any problem, ask for money without hesitation. Nawazuddin Siddiqui works in small films for money In an interview to Indian Express, Nawazuddin Siddiqui had said that he likes working in small films, even if he gets less money for it. He had said- I do small films because this is what I have come here to do. Yes, sometimes I also do big films, play small roles in them. However, I do this also for money.

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