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Historic EU Crypto Bill Passes!!✔️ U.S. Holds Emergency Stablecoin Hearing 🚨

Lawmakers in the European Union on Thursday voted 517-38 in favor of a new crypto licensing regime, Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA), with 18 absentions, making it the first major jurisdiction in the world to introduce a comprehensive crypto law. The European Parliament also voted 529-29 in favor of a separate law known as the Transfer of Funds regulation, which requires crypto operators to identify their customers in a bid to halt money laundering, with 14 abstentions. Meanwhile in the U.S. House Financial Services committee held another hearing on stablecoin regulations where results weren’t very promising.

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~Historic EU Crypto Bill Passes!!✔️ U.S. Holds Emergency Stablecoin Hearing🚨~
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